
    9月22日14:30 [学术报告] Molecules at work: From precision chemistry to molecular assemblers and nanomedicine

    发布时间:2023-09-20 | 【打印】 【关闭】



    报告题目:Molecules at work: From precision chemistry to molecular assemblers and nanomedicine

      人:Harald Fuchs教授

      人:任金东 研究员




    Harald Fuchs教授,德国明斯特大学纳米技术中心创始人及主任,同时也是德国科学院院士、德国工程院院士、发展中国家科学院院士。主要从事纳米科学和纳米技术、扫描探针显微镜、自组装纳米结构的制备以及纳米生物体系等相关研究,是国际知名的表面化学及纳米生物学学者。在Nature、Science、Nat. Nanotech.、Nature Mat.、JACS等期刊发表论文700多篇,拥有58项专利,在国际学术界具有广泛影响力。曾获得德国一等联邦十字勋章、菲利普莫里斯奖、明斯特科学和经济创新奖等一系列荣誉。除此之外,他还获得了中国政府友谊奖(2019)及中华人民共和国国际科学技术合作奖(2020)



    On-surface precision chemistry performed with low-temperature STM and AFM under ultra-high vacuum condition allows to develop unique chemical reaction schemes such as orthogonal- and surface catalyzed reactions with are not achievable with conventional liquid- or gas phase reactions [1]. Beyond a number of useful on-surface reactions including polymer formation etc. [1,2], we found a fascinating new and powerful route of on-surface chemistry which allows to set up a novel strategy for the generation of intelligent functional systems. To this end, we introduced a molecular swarm like system performing a coordinated surface restructuring based on N‐heterocyclic carbenes (NHC).  They are binding covalently to a single noble metal atom e.g. on a Au(111) surface after vacuum deposition. Depending on the type of their N-ligands, NHCs the are essentially immobilized vertically by a single surface atom, forming, for example, unidirectional rotators [3], or are able to fully pull a single atom out of the surface and then travel on this newly formed ad-atom in the so-called ‘ballbot’- motion type across the surface, eventually forming densely packed islands [4]. These molecular ballbots form spontaneously on the surface after vacuum deposition. We discovered that on an Au(1x2) reconstructed surface ballbot-NHCs are able to autonomously re-organize the surface atom by atom in a ‘swarm-like’ manor [5]. No external stimulation, e.g. by light, electrons or STM and AFM tip-probe manipulation is required to induce this restructuring process. As a result, the Au(1x2) surface is locally transferred into an Au(1x3) - ‘Added Row (AR)’ structure. Recent experiments revealed the possibility to generate linear polymer-NHCs using halogenated ballbot NHCs [6].

       Applying Dip-Pen Nanolithography, a large variety of functional patters on surfaces can introduced with precision, ranging from sensors arrays [7], molecular devices to the selective capturing of tumor cells [8].



    1.   Q. Shen, H.Y. Gao, H. Fuchs, Nano Today 13, 77-96 (2017)

    2.   P.A. Held, H. Fuchs, A. Studer, Chem. Eur. J. 23, 5874-5892 (2017)

    3.   J. Ren, M. Freitag, C. Schwermann, A. Bakker, S. Amirjalayer, A. R hling, H.-Y. Gao, N. L. Doltsinis, F. Glorius, H.Fuchs, Nano Lett. 20 (8), 592 (2020)

    4.   G.Wang, A. R hling, S. Amirjalayer, M. Knor, J. B. Ernst, C. Richter, H.-J. Gao, A. Timmer, H.Y. Gao, N.L. Doltsinis, F. Glorius, H. Fuchs, Nature Chemistry 9, 152 (2017)

    5.   S. Amirjalayer, A. Bakker, M. Freitag, F. Glorius, H. Fuchs, Angew.Chem. Int. Ed., 59, 21230 (2020)

    6.   J. Ren, M. Koy, H. Osthues, B. Schulze Lammers, Ch. Gutheil, M. Nyenhuis, Q. Zheng, Y. Xiao, L. Huang, A. Nalop, Q. Dai, H.-J. Gao, H. M?nig, N. L. Doltsinis, H. Fuchs, F. Glorius, Nature Chemistry (2023)

    7.  S. Lenhert, F. Brinkmann, T. Laue, S. Walheim, C. Vannahme, S. Klinkhammer, M. Xu, S. Sekula, T.  Mappes, T. Schimmel, H. Fuchs, Nature Nanotechnology 5, 275 (2010)

    8.  H.-Y. Liu, R. Kumar, C. Zhong, S. Gorji, L. Paniushkina, R. Masood, U.A. Wittel, H. Fuchs,  I. Nazarenko, M. Hirtz , Adv. Mater. 33(35), 2008493 (2021)
