
4月6日10:00 [学术报告] Modular and adaptive self-assembling dendrimers for biomedical applications

发布时间:2023-02-28 | 【打印】 【关闭】

   间:202346日(星期四)  10:00—12:00

   点:尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!  南楼四层会议室

报告人:Ling PENG 教授

报告题目:Modular and adaptive self-assembling dendrimers for biomedical applications




   Ling PENG carried out her undergraduate study in polymer chemistry with Prof. Chen Rongshi at Nanjing University in China, her PhD program in organic chemistry with Prof. Albert Eschenmoser at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich in Switzerland, and her postdoctoral research in Pharmacy with Prof. Maurice Goeldner at Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg in France. She was recruited as a research scientist in CNRS in 1997, and promoted as a CNRS research director in 2008. She is currently a group leader at the Interdisciplinary Center on Nanoscience in Marseille (CINaM) in France, and working actively in developing multifunctional dendrimers as intelligent nanomaterials for drug and gene delivery, molecular probes for exploring biological events and drug discovery.. She has co-authored more than 100 scientific papers, 6 patents and 15 book chapters. Dr. Ling Peng has also coordinated and participated in different European projects. Her research team has been labelled by La Ligue Contre le Cancer in France since 2016, and she was awarded with the Prize of Dr and Mrs Henri Labbé of the French Academy of Sciences in 2017.   




  The application of nanotechnology is widely expected to bring breakthrough in medicine for disease treatment and diagnosis. Dendrimers are ideal materials for elaborating precision nanomedicine by virtue of their well-defined structure, multivalent cooperativity and nanosize per se. We have recently established modular and adaptive dendrimer nanosystems, constructed via self-assembling of amphiphilic dendrimers, for the delivery of drugs, nucleic acid therapeutics and imaging agents in diseases’ detection and treatment. The self-assembling approach to create supramolecular dendrimer is completely novel in concept yet easy to implement in practice, offering a fresh perspective for exploiting the advantageous features of supramolecular dendrimers in biomedical applications.