• 尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!


    发布时间:2020-11-30 | 【打印】 【关闭】

    Presentation title: Upconversion Nanophotonics and Applications (上转换纳米光子学及应用)

    Time: 10:00, December 1st (Tuesday)

    Venue: Third floor conference room, South Building(南楼三层会议室)

    Host: Prof. Zhiyong Tang (唐智勇研究员)

    Speaker: Prof. Dayong Jin from University of Technology Sydney


    Dayong Jin is a Distinguished Professor at the University of Technology Sydney since 2017 and a Chair Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology since 2019.

    Prof Jin obtained his PhD from Macquarie University in 2007. At Macquarie, he was promoted to Lecturer in 2010, Senior Lecturer in 2013, and Associate Professor in 2014.

    At UTS, as the director, he established the Australian Research Council Industry Transformation Research Hub for Integrated Devices for End-user Analysis at Low Levels (ARC IDEAL Research Hub), the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources’ Australia-China Joint Research Centre for Point of Care Testing (DISER POCT), the UTS-SUStech Joint Research Centre for Biomedical Materials & Devices, which three major programs underpin the UTS Institute for Biomedical Materials & Devices (IBMD), to transform advances in phonics and materials into disruptive biotechnologies.

    His research has been in the physical, engineering and interdisciplinary sciences, with expertise covering biomedical optics, nanotechnology, microscopy, diagnostics and microfluidics devices.

    Prof Jin is the winner of the Australian Museum Eureka Prize for Interdisciplinary Scientific Research in 2015, the Australian Academy of Science John Booker Medalist in 2017, and the Prime Minister’s Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year 2017.

    金大勇,悉尼科技大学杰出教授和南方科技大学讲席教授。2007年博士毕业于麦考瑞大学,2015年任悉尼科技大学教授,2017 年任杰出教授,2019年任南方科技大学讲席教授。作为所长,他五年内先后组建了澳洲科研基金委资助的可集成生物医学器件与技术转化中心,中澳科学与研究基金资助的便携式体外诊断技术联合研究中心,悉尼科大-南科大生物医学材料和器件联合研究中心, 和悉尼科大生物医学材料及仪器研究所。

    金大勇教授已发表SCI高水平论文150余篇、其中包括Nature及其子刊25篇。 他的专业领域涵盖了生物工程光学、纳米探针技术、生物医疗诊断、精密光学仪器、微流控芯片等领域。并于2015年荣获澳洲科研最高奖尤里卡奖交叉学科创新奖,2016年当选澳大利亚百名科技创新领军人物,2017年荣获澳洲科学院工程科学奖,以及同年荣获澳大利亚总理奖 - 年度理学家奖。