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    报告题目:微纳生物医学器件 Micro/Nano-devices for Biomedical Applications

    发布时间:2019-09-19 | 【打印】 【关闭】

    谢曦教授为广东潮州人,本科毕业于中山大学,2014年博士毕业于美国斯坦福大学,随后在美国麻省理工学院LangerAnderson教授实验室从事博士后研究工作。2016年引进到中山大学电子与信息工程学院/光电材料与技术国家重点实验室,聘为教授博导;目前为生物电子平台的带头人,同时为中山大学附属第一医院双聘教授。谢曦教授一直围绕开发新型微纳器件,应用于解决生物医学领域里药物释放治疗和生物检测传感的难题,近年来在微纳生物器件、穿戴/植入式诊疗器件方面的工作发表了一系列研究成果在国际著名期刊,通讯/一作论文发表在Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Biomedical Engineering, ACS Nano,Nano Letters等期刊。 


    微电子技术与生物科学的融合交叉,极大推动了新型医学诊疗技术的发展,并已成为当前研究热点之一。现代生物电子与学研究要求在微观尺度原位实时地对细胞内部或动物体内部进行调控治疗和检测传感。但当前技术方法仍存在多个难题,其中包括: 1)如何无创或微创式调控或检测细胞内部环境;2)如何原位实时调控或检测细胞或体内的动态生物信息;3)如何实现高度生物相容性的可植入器件技术,等一系列难题。本团队工作致力于新型微纳生物医学器件的基础研究,发展原位实时的治疗/检测技术方法:1)致力于研发新型微纳芯片或器件,应用于功能性细胞(免疫细胞、干细胞、癌细胞等)的基础研究,实现对细胞的精准调控或检测传感;2)研发新型的穿戴式/植入式设备,应用于重点疾病(糖尿病、心血管病、神经性疾病等)的诊疗应用,实现对疾病的精准治疗调控或检测传感。 


      1.    Ji Wang,+ Hui-Jiuan Chen,+ Tian Hang, et al., Jun Tao, Mei X. Wu,* Xi Xie*. Physical Activation of Innate Immunity by Spiky Particles. Nature Nanotechnology. 2018, DOI: 10.1038/s41565-018-0274-0 (Nature子刊, IF=33) 

      2.   Xi Xie,+ Joshua C. Doloff,+ Volkan Yesilyurt,+ Atieh Sadraei,+ et al., Robert Langer, and Daniel G. Anderson*. Reduction of measurement noise in a continuous glucose monitor by coating the sensor with a zwitterionic polymer. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2018, DOI: 10.1038/s41551-018-0273-3. (Nature子刊, IF=19) 

      3.   Gen He,+ Chengduan Yang,+  et al.,  Xi Xie*. Hierarchical Spiky Microstraws-integrated Microfluidic Device for Efficient Capture and in situ Manipulation of Cancer Cells. Advanced Functional Materials. 2018, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201806484. (IF=16) 

      4.   Xi Xie,+* Conrado Pascual,+ et al., David C. Yeomans, Mei X. Wu, and Xinmin Simon Xie*. Analgesic Microneedle Patch for Neuropathic Pain Therapy. ACS Nano, 2017, 11 (1), pp395406. (Co-correspnding & first author, IF=13) 

      5.   Hui-Jiuan Chen+, Tian Han+, et al, Ji Wang * and Xi Xie*. Functionalized Spiky Particles for Intracellular Biomolecular Delivery, ACS Central Science. 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.8b00749. 

      6.   Quanchang Jin,+ Hui-jiuan Chen,+ et al., Xi Xie*, Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanohybrid-assembled Microneedles as Mini-invasive Electrodes for Real-time Transdermal Biosensing. Small, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201804298 (IF=11) 

      7.   Chengduan Yang,+ Gen He,+ et al., Ji Wang,* Xi Xie.* Injectable Slippery Lubricant-coated Spiky Microparticles with Persistent and Exceptional Biofouling-resistance. ACS Central Science, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.8b00605. (IF=13) 

      8.   Shuang Huang,+ Gen He,+ et al., Xi Xie*, Stretchable strain vector sensor based on parallelly aligned vertical graphene. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b18210 

      9.   Yan Li+, Fanmao Liu+, Chen Su+, et al, Wenhao Xia*, Xi Xie* Jun Tao*. Biodegradable Therapeutic Microneedle Patch for Rapid Antihypertensive Treatment. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b09697. 

      10. Xi Xie, Weixia Zhang, Alireza Abbaspourrad, et al, Michael S. Strano, David A. Weitz, and Daniel G. Anderson*. Microfluidic Fabrication of Colloidal Nanomaterials-Encapsulated Microcapsules for Biomolecular Sensing. Nano Letters. 2017, 17 (3), pp 20152020. (IF=12) 

      11. Xi Xie, et al, and Nicholas Melosh*. NanostrawElectroporation System for Highly Efficient Intracellular Delivery and Transfection. ACS Nano, 2013, 7 (5), pp 43514358. (IF=13) 

      12. Xi Xie, Alexander Xu, Matthew Angle and Nicholas Melosh*. Mechanical Model of Vertical Nanowire Cell Penetration. Nano Letters2013, 13 , pp 60026008. (IF=12) 

      13. T. Hang, S. Xiao+, Y. Zhang*X. Xie*, Hierarchical graphene/nanorods-based H2O2 electrochemical sensor with self-cleaning and anti-biofouling properties, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2019, 289, 15.  

      14. Tian Hang,+ Chenglin Liu,+ et al., Xi Xie*, Self-cleaning Ultraviolet Photodetectors Based on Tree Crown-Like Microtube Structure. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/admi.201801251 

      15. Xinmiao Lan, et al., Xi Xie,* Yuxiong Su*. Microneedle-Mediated Delivery of Lipid-Coated Cisplatin Nanoparticles for Efficient and Safe Cancer Therapy. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 2018, 10 (39), pp 3306033069 

      16. Chen, H.-J,+ Hang, T.,+ et al., Xie, Xi.*, Anomalous dispersion of magnetic spiky particles for enhanced oil emulsions/water separation. Nanoscales, 2018, 10 (4), 1978-1986. 

      17. Gen He.+, Hui-Jiuan Chen.+, et al, Xi Xie* , Fabrication of Various Structures of Nanostraw Arraysand Their Applications in Gene Delivery, Advanced Materials Interface, 2018, DOI:10.1002/admi.201701535. 

      18. Gen He.+, Chengduan Yang.+, et al,. Xi Xie* , Hollow Nanoneedle-Electroporation System To Extract Intracellular Protein Repetitively and Nondestructively, ACS Sensor, 2018, 3 (9), pp 16751682 

      19.Xi Xie, Amin Aalipour and Nicholas Melosh*. Determining the Time Window for Dynamic Nanowires Cell Penetration Processes. ACS Nano2015, 9 (12), pp 1166711677. (IF=13)