

    论文题目 刊物名称 第一作者 联系作者 发表年度 页码
    Synthesize TiO2 microspheres self-assembled from nanorods via hydrothermal treatment SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES B-CHEMISTRY Zhang, YB Jiang, L 2007 50 2 175
    Direct thermal oxidization evaporation growth, structure, and optical properties of single-crystalline nanobelts of molybdenum trioxide JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH Chu, WG Chu, WG 2007 22 6 1609
    Negative Goos-Hanchen effect in thin-film Fabry-Perot filter CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS Li, MY Li, MY 2007 24 7 2091
    Tunable non-equilibrium gating of flexible DNA nanochannels in response to transport flux NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY Mao, YD Mao, YD 2007 2 6 366
    Crystalline and electronic structure of gold nanoclusters determined by EXAFS, XRD and XPS methods JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Aldea, N Aldea, N 2007 9 5 1555
    Enthalpy-driven three-state switching of a superhydrophilic/superhydrophobic surface ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION Wang, ST Liu, DS 2007 46 21 3915
    Alternating-electric-field-enhanced reversible switching of DNA nanocontainers with pH NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH Mao, YD Liu, DS 2007 35 5
    Photochemical and photophysical properties of three carbon-bridged fullerene dimers: C-121 (I, II, III) JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B Ren, TX Sun, BY 2007 111 23 6344
    Creep resistant polymer nanocomposites reinforced with multiwalled carbon nanotubes MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Yang, JL Zhang, Z 2007 28 8 955
    Ultrahigh reactivity and grave nanotoxicity of copper nanoparticles JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Meng, H Meng, H 2007 272 3 595
    Identification of target organs of copper nanoparticles with ICP-MS technique JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Chen, Z Chen, Z 2007 272 3 599
    Neutron-irradiation catalyzed synthesis of novel carbon nanomaterials JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Cao, WB Zhao, YL 2007 272 3 611
    Hierarchical shelled ZnO structures made of bunched nanowire arrays ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS Jiang, P Jiang, P 2007 17 8 1303
    Tribological properties of high temperature resistant polymer composites with fine particles TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL Chang, L Zhang, Z 2007 40 7 1170
    Phthalocyanine nanobars obtained by using alkyloxy substitution effects CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Wang, M Wang, C 2007 439 1-3 76
    InN/In2O3 peapod nanostructures and conformal conversion templated from InN counterparts via thermal oxidation NANOTECHNOLOGY Luo, SD Zhou, WY 2007 18 23
    Molecular beam epitaxial growth of very large lateral anisotropic GaSb/GaAs quantum dots JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Jiang, C Jiang, C 2007 301 828
    Uncoiling process of helical molecular fibrillar structures studied by AFM JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Wang, M Wang, C 2007 111 17 6194
    NaOH concentration effect on the oriented attachment growth kinetics of ZnS JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B Wang, YH Lin, Z 2007 111 19 5290
    Ultrasensitive gas sensitivity property of BaMnO3 nanorods APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Wang, N Hu, CG 2007 90 16