

论文题目 刊物名称 第一作者 联系作者 发表年度 页码
The growth of complex nanostructures: Synergism of dipolar force and stacking-defects in anisotropic self-assembly ADVANCED MATERIALS Gao, Xueyun Zhao, Yuliang 2008 20 9 1794
The light source, optical waveguide and light enhancement of nano-integrated optical circuit ACTA PHYSICA SINICA Dan, Liu; Dan, Liu 2008 57 1 371
The role of adsorption species in the formation of Ag nanostructures by a microwave-polyol route BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN Tsuji, Masaharu Jiang, Peng 2008 81 3 393
The strong MRI relaxivity of paramagnetic nanoparticles JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B Xing, Gengmei Chai, Zhifang 2008 112 20 6288
The translocation of fullerenic nanoparticles into lysosome via the pathway of clathrin-mediated endocytosis NANOTECHNOLOGY Li, Wei Chen, Chunying 2008 19 14
Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy study of spiral Ca2+ waves in single heart cell JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPY-OXFORD Bai, Y. Zhu, X. 2008 229 3 555
Toward to branched platinum nanoparticles by polyol reduction: A role of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) molecules COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS Tsuji, Masaharu Tsuji, Masaharu 2008 317 1-3 23
Treatment of Cr-VI-containing Mg(OH)(2) nanowaste ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION Liu, Weizhen Zhen, Jinsheng; Lin, Zhang 2008 47 30 5619
Tuning the morphology of gold nanocrystals by switching the growth of {110} facets from restriction to preference JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Xiang, Yanjuan Zhou, Weiya; Xie, Sishen 2008 112 9 3203
Well-positioned metallic nanostructures fabricated by nanotransfer edge printing ADVANCED MATERIALS Xue, Mianqi Cao, Tingbing 2008 20 3 596
ZnO tetrapods designed as multiterminal sensors to distinguish false responses and increase sensitivity NANO LETTERS Zhang, Zengxing Gu, Changzhi; Xie, Sishen 2008 8 2 652
A Temperature-Driven Reversible Phase Transfer of 2-(Diethylamino)ethanethiol-Stabilized CdTe Nanoparticles ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION Qin, B Song, R 2008 47 51 9875
Age-Related Differences in Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Responses to SiO2 Nanoparticle Inhalation: Nanotoxicity Has Susceptible Population ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Chen, Z Xing, GM 2008 42 23 8985
Characteristic capacitance in an electric force microscope determined by using sample surface bias effect JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Qi, GC Wang, C 2008 103 11
Conducting polypyrrole conical nanocontainers: Formation mechanism and voltage switchable property MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Huang, JY Wei, ZX 2008 29 15 1335
Effectively enhanced oxygen sensitivity of individual ZnO tetrapod sensor by water preadsorption APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Zheng, KH Sun, LF 2008 92 21
Electrospun Nanofibrous Membranes: A Novel Solid Substrate for Microfluidic Immunoassays for HIV ADVANCED MATERIALS Yang, DY Jiang, XY 2008 20 24 4770
Excitation of dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton observed by using near-field optical microscopy APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Fang, ZY Fang, ZY 2008 93 7
Facile means of preparing superamphiphobic surfaces on common engineering metals JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Meng, HF Jiang, L 2008 112 30 11454
Formation of Chiral Mesopores in Conducting Polymers by Chiral-Lipid-Ribbon Templating and "Seeding" Route ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS Fan, CX Fan, CX 2008 18 18 2699