

论文题目 刊物名称 第一作者 联系作者 发表年度 页码
Identification of two novel PBGD mutations in acute intermittent porphyria patients accompanying anemia in mainland China Blood Cells, Molecules, & Diseases Gang Liu Jiaming Qian, Guangjun Nie 2011 47 138-139
Vertically integrated nanogenerator based on ZnO nanowire arrays Physica Status Solidi Aifang Yu Peng Jiang 2011 5 162-164
ZnO nanowire arrays with and without cavity tops Materials Chemistry and Physics Hongyu Li Peng Jiang 2011 3 905-909
High-throughput thickness determination of n-layer graphenes via gold deposition CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS? Hai-qing Zhou Lian-feng Sun 2011 518 76-80
Raman spectra and temperature-dependent Raman scattering of carbon nanoscrolls CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS?? Zhou, HQ Sun, LF 2011 501 475-479
Synthesis of small water-soluble gold nanoparticles and their chemical modification into hollow structures and luminescent nanoclusters Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Xueyi Li Guanglu Ge 2011 384 62-67
Continually fabricating staple yarns with aligned electrospun nanofibers Materials Letters Yan H Zhang Z 2011 65 2419-2421
Raman scattering of monolayer graphene: the temperature and oxygen doping effects JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS?? Zhou, HQ Sun, LF 2011 44 185404
Nanodiamond delivery circumvents tumor resistance to doxorubicin Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Xiao-wei Ma Xing-jie Liang 2011 32 543–544
Insight into STM image contrast of n-tetradecane and n-hexadecane molecules on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Applied Surface Science Miao Zhao Peng Jiang 2011 257 3243–3247
Hyperbranched poly (amine-ester)-poly(lactide-co-glycolide) copolymer and their nanoparticles as paclitaxel delivery system Polymers for Advanced Technologies Yan Wu Yan Wu 2011 22 2325-2335
Gold Nanoparticles: A promising nanomaterial for the diagnosis of Cancer and HIV-AIDS Journal of Nanomaterials Anil Kumar Anil Kumar 2011 2011 001-017
Aggregation of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic atoms at edges of graphenes and graphite CHINESE PHYSICS B Zhou, HQ Sun, LF 2011 20 2 26803
Thermal properties of single-walled carbon nanotube crystal CHINESE PHYSICS B Hu Li-Jun Sun Lian-Feng 2011 20 9 96101
Mechanical performance of ozone functionalized MWCNT/PC nanocomposites Express Polymer Letters Zhang Z Zhang Z 2011 5 516-525
Low-Temperature Thermoelectric Properties of β-Ag2Se Synthesized by Hydrothermal Reaction Journal of Electronic Materials 王汉夫 王汉夫, 禇卫国,金灏 2011 40 624-628
Derivatization and functionalization of molecular matrix by hydrogen bond at liquid-solid interface J. Nanosci. Nanotechno Rui Zhang Qingdao Zeng, Chen Wang 2011 11 11 10111-10115
Fabrication of nanoporous networks with tunable triangular cavities with a molecular template J. Nanosci. Nanotechno Xingkui Wu Qingdao Zeng, Wei Huang, Chen Wang 2011 11 11 10207-10210
Significance and Systematic Analysis of Metallic Impurities of Carbon Nanotubes Produced by Different Manufacturers J Nanosci Nanotechno Cuicui Ge Chunying Chen 2011 11 3 2389-2397
Soluble Copper Phthalocyanine Applied for Organic Solar Cells Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Tianhui Zhang Lingyu Piao, Suling Zhao 2011 11 9641-9644